
GitLab packs the entire DevOps process into one application to condense cycle times, reduce development costs and get products to market quicker. It’s got an awful lot in its armour to achieve that, but some of its key features include:
- Software delivery cycle metrics
- Portfolio planning and management
- Design, development and management of code and project data
- Automatic testing and reports, and a lot, lot more.

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Category: Project management
PMA Verified: PMA Approved
PMM Reviewed:
PMM Reviewed (1)
PMM Reviewed (5)
PMM Reviewed (10+)
PMM Reviews: "GitLab's project management capabilities are my central source of truth for all work I need to coordinate cross- functionally. Epics, Issues and Boards enable asynchronous collaboration across global locations and timezones." William Chia, Senior Product Marketing Manager at GitLab

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