
With simple - yet effective - boards, lists and cards, Trello gives its users an instant understanding of where a project or task is up to. With the ability to add comments, attachments, due dates, members and more to each microtask, it ensures collaboration from start to finish too.

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Category: Project management
PMA Verified: PMA Approved
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PMM Reviewed (10+)
PMM Reviews: “Our marketing staff use Trello to keep track of the projects we have going on. It’s helpful for collaboration between team members. We can provide documents and links. It gives a quick status of things in different stages, backlog, active, review, complete, on-going, etc. We treat it a lot like a basic kanban board for different team members and it’s lighter weight than Jira, which our dev team uses to track their user stories.” Martin Bakal, Product Marketing Director at OpenLegacy

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