
Zoom’s used for video and audio meetings and also facilitates live messaging and content sharing, syncs with your calendar, and records and saves your files. With zoomrooms, you can also hook it up to your existing conference system and with zoomphone, you’ve got one app for voice, video, voicemail, messaging, meetings and conferencing.

Company URL: www.zoom.us
Category: Collaboration
PMA Verified: PMA Approved
PMM Reviewed:
PMM Reviewed (1)
PMM Reviewed (5)
PMM Reviewed (10+)
PMM Reviews: “Zoom is our best way of keeping in touch and communicating with each other. We have many remote employees and are on conference/video calls all the time. Zoom integrates with Google Calendar so it’s easy to schedule a Zoom meeting with anyone at the company and we also rely on it for internal all-hands meetings and use it to conduct internal webinars for sales enablement.” Daniel Kuperman, Director of Product Marketing, Snowflake

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